Camping With Baby – 8 Tips to Follow
As a parent, introducing your toddler to the natural world is the most significant gift you can offer to him/her. However, when you are thinking of camping with baby, there are a few considerations to make to ensure everything goes according to the plan.
If you are camping with a baby for the first time, then this post will help you get prepared for a fun adventure ahead. Here are some useful tips that will save your day if you are going out with your child for an adventure trip.
Getting Prepared
Before you leave for camping with baby, ensure that you are prepared. You need to keep in mind that you will be farther from medical care. So, you need to pack all the essentials.
If possible, consult your child’s doctor before heading out. If your baby is too small, the doctor can tell whether it is the right for outdoors or not.
If the doctor gives a thumb’s up, you need to make sure that your child is eating normally and is hydrated. Keep all the important contacts on speed dial.
Now, choosing a location can be a tricky situation. If it is your munchkin’s first camping, you may want to choose a location that’s not too far away from your home. Even if it is far from your home, make sure that the location offers basic amenities like a hospital, medical store, and, grocery store.
Most importantly, find a campsite that’s a bit farther from your neighbor campers, you don’t want any disturbance if your munchkin is taking a nap. On the other hand, prefer a campsite with a grassy surface rather than muddy or gravel surface. It is especially fun for crawlers to roam around.
Pack Warm Clothes Even if Nights are Not Cold
The most important thing to remember when camping with a baby is that the nights can get extremely cold without any signs. So, make sure you pack the necessary gear for outdoor activities, which include warm clothes as well. It will keep your kid nice and warm in emergency situations, like sudden rain or a sudden drop in the temperature.
Always add 2-3 layers of sheets below his/her sleep slack as the surface can get cold as well. And if possible, choose summer days for camping. It will be much more easier for you and your kid.
Don’t Forget About Disposable Diapers
Diapers are the lifesavers when you go out on such trips with your baby. Always carry enough disposable diapers with you according to the duration of your stay. You don’t want to get things messy and don’t want to put him/her in an uncomfortable situation.
Carrying extra diapers always helps. And make sure that you carry disposable garbage bags as well because dumping the diapers in the surrounding is not a good idea. Moreover, always prefer disposable diapers, as cleaning cloth diapers can be extremely challenging for you.
Pack Necessary Gears for Meals
Feeding your child outdoors will be quite a struggle if you go unprepared. A feeding chair or a camping baby high chair is a good inclusion as it makes sure that your child sits safely and comfortably during meal times. Always carry a portable and foldable feeding chair as it will be easy for you to carry and store in your car and near the campsite.
Foldable chairs are easy to use and will make your toddler’s camping experience even more fun. On the other hand, you need to pack all the essentials for your baby’s sleep as well. It may include a comfy sleeping bag with heat insulation. It will keep him/her warm and nice during night time.
Insects Must Not be a Problem
Apart from the weather, insects can create the biggest problem for your kid while sleeping outdoors. You need to keep him/her safe from coming in contact with insects to prevent any bites, which can cause irritation and even allergic reaction.
Make sure you pack bug repellents and when outside the tent exploring the natural beauties, make sure your child is wearing long sleeves and pants to protect from sun and bugs. You can also carry an umbrella is the sun is too hot to handle. Most importantly, install bug nets over your tent.
Plan Sleeping Time
You would not want your little munchkin to keep other campsites awake by crying in the middle of the night. So, plan a sleeping time for your toddler. Before leaving for the camp, make sure that your child gets enough sleep. This will make your baby energized for the outing and will keep him/her busy.
With all the play in the afternoon, your tiny-tot will naturally feel tired and will have a healthy sleep during the night. If your kid sleeps during the day, then he/she will possibly wake during the night. So, you have to plan your child’s sleep time accordingly.
Don’t Cary Anything Extra
It will be a hassle if you are loaded with baby stuff and gears. It will be no different from home. So, pack light and only carry things that are necessary. It will make camping easier.
If you are concerned with first time camping with a toddler, it always helps when you ask people who have done it before. Camping with a baby can be a fun and life-changing experience, but you have to make sure that you are prepared.
These tips will help you plan your next trip with your child.
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