Complete Checklist of Baby Travel Essentials


Traveling with an infant is a totally different scenario. You cannot do things that you did when you roamed independently. You have a responsibility now, and one thing you cannot do is being careless. This is why you need baby travel essentials as they will help you keep organized with your little one and make traveling smooth for the whole family.

Whether you are going on a vacation or visiting someone abroad with your toddler, this travel checklist will keep you sane throughout the trip.

Here are the baby essentials you need to pack to ensure you travel with peace of mind.



1. Diapers


Diapers have to be one of the most important travel essentials on your list. Always pack extra and make sure you purchase the disposable ones. Carry one for each hour that you would be on the road.


2. Blankets


Blankets are important. They can be used for multiple purposes. You can use it to lay down your toddler, as a comforter when he/she is sleeping, or to cover the window in case of strong sunlight.


3. First Aid Kit


A first aid kit is not only essential for your child but to you as well. Customize the first aid kit with essentials like pain relievers, ointments, creams, lotions, bandages, thermometer, general purpose medicines for ailments like colic, diarrhea, cold, cough, and also pack the medications that your child is currently taking (if any). Being a little over-prepared will do no harm.


4. Front Sling


Carrying all the bags and suitcases along with your child can be a bit exhausting. Going from one place to another with all the bags and your little one in hand is dreadful, especially when you are at someplace crowded like an airport or a train station. To avoid this situation, you can always carry your toddler in a front sling. A sling will ensure that your little one remains safe throughout the duration.


5. Portable High Chair


You need to ensure that your kid is eating properly. A trip might make your munchkin a bit irritated. So, you need a proper feeding station where your kid can have proper meals. A travel chair or a portable feeding seat like the Voyager can come in handy.



6. Disposable Bags


Disposable bags are a must when you are on the road. They can be used to carry items like burped hankies, dirty clothes, used diapers, among others. You can keep all the dirty items in the bag separately without mixing them with clean stuff. Later, they are easy to dispose of.


7. Bottled Milk


Either your breast milk or formula, you are advised to carry some spare bottles with you, in case traveling makes your munchkin more hungry and that too more frequently. This also comes in handy when you are in a situation where you cannot breastfeed comfortably.


8. Baby Monitor


A baby monitor is always a handy tool to carry. It will help you keep a close eye on your child while he is sleeping in the bedroom, and you are enjoying your drink in the comfort of the hotel room’s balcony.


9. More Clothes


You must pack additional clothes for your toddler for a quick change. Things can get messy while traveling. The diaper can leak accidentally, or your little may end up dropping something on the clothes. You have to be prepared. More clothes will warrant cleanliness.


10. Baby Wipes


You will need a lot of wipes for every foreseeable scenario. It is important to keep things clean and hygienic all the time.


11. Toys


While you may enjoy the road trip or a long flight watching movies or listening to music, your child can get bored real quick. So pack some essential toys that will keep your little one content and entertained throughout the journey. You can carry his/her favorite rattle or soft toy to keep them engaged.


12. Identification


It is extremely important to keep the proper IDs of your child and yourself when you are out of town. Have documents and photos, if possible. You can use the documents as the proof of identity and paternity. You can keep the original as well as the xerox of the documents in case of any emergency.


13. Inflatable Tub


If you are staying at a hotel, you cannot trust it to have the cleanest tub or bathroom for the toddler. Therefore, you can carry an inflatable bathtub to quickly give your munchkin a nice, refreshing bath. An inflatable tub can easily fit inside your handbag. So, it won’t bother you much.


Final Words


These are some of the baby travel essentials that you must carry when vacationing with children. These items will help in ease down the stress for your children.

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