When to Start Using High Chair: Important Things You Need to Consider
Does your little one love to sit with you while eating meals at home or when traveling? While it’s adorable finding them exploring the dinner table, it can be distracting, causing unfinished meals and messes!
But is your little one ready for the change, or should he still sit on your lap? Read on as I answer at what age do babies need high chair and when to use it.

When to Start Using High Chair
A lot of parents have discussed the question, “when is baby ready for high chair?” There are a couple of factors to consider, such as their age and their readiness to sit in proper positioning.
Here are the important things to learn about:
The Recommended Age to Use High Chair
You’ll be surprised that babies can begin to use these seats even when they’re a few months old!
Children between four to six months old begin to show signs of sitting up, also showing a strong desire to do so. Manufacturers recommend SIX MONTHS as an optimal age, though you need to consider how your child positions himself.
Do take note that some babies are stronger and more stable than others at a younger age. Other babies may require more time before they reach developmental milestones to start using a high chair. Remember, that’s completely fine and nothing to worry about since babies have their timeline when learning.
Is Your Child Sitting Correctly Without Support?
Even as adults, poor sitting posture can lead to body aches and pain in the long run. You wouldn’t want your little one experiencing the same thing!
That’s why it’s crucial to watch over your little one even when they are strapped on. He needs to sit correctly without your support to prevent aches or accidents from poor posture.
Here are the signs that show your baby is ready:
1. They Sit Upright
Can your little one sit up without falling over and requiring support from parents? That means he’s ready for a high chair, as their backs are developed enough for him to sit on their own.
Your baby’s shoulders should be straight without needing to prop him up. Furthermore, he can start moving his arms on his own, with his hands able to grip when grabbing food or steadying himself on the tray.
2. They Hold Their Heads Up
This is an absolute MUST before you know your baby is ready. His head and neck should be stable without needing to be propped up with pillows.
If your little one can’t hold his head up well, then he needs more time, since this indicates their neck muscles aren’t fully developed and strong enough. It’s important to consider this because he should sit upright with their head stable during feeding.
3. They Show Signs of Proper Stability
Babies wriggle a lot until they reach a certain age. It’s only until they show signs of stability that they can start using a high chair. Your baby shouldn’t be falling when you place him upright, meaning he can sit in one comfortably without bobbing around too much.
Once they have accomplished sitting up straight without their heads bobbing around, then they are ready!
Transitioning to a High Chair
Do you feel like your baby is prepared and can sit up straight?
Here are tips to follow when transitioning your child to the change:
1. Get Your Baby Used to Sitting There
When you’ve purchased one already, you need to get him used to sitting there first. Your baby needs to get a feel of using it regularly, giving him a “test drive” for a few weeks until he’s able to sit up with it.
2. Be Comfortable With It
YOU and other caretakers should also be comfortable when transitioning your baby! Learn all about your chosen purchase, from its safety mechanisms to how to set it up properly. Look it over before every use as well, which ensures your baby’s safety and security.
3. When to Start Feeding
You should only begin feeding your baby when you are both comfortable using the high chair. When your baby is sitting upright and can support himself, then you can begin feeding him or placing food and drinks on their trays for him to consume on their own.
Safety Tips When You Start Using a High Chair
Once you’ve got used to using the change, there are some safety tips to keep in mind, such as:
1. Choose the Right One
If you’re traveling a lot, then consider investing in portable varieties Fortunately, we pride in providing excellent quality high chairs for all needs, so look into our certified products that meet safety standards.
2. Keep Everything Safe
Once your baby is sitting upright and in a good position, be sure to use the buckles and straps to prevent him from climbing out or sliding off. Furthermore, place it on leveled surfaces and watch out for tipping hazards and put food and sharp objects out of arm’s reach.
3. Never Leave Babies Unattended
This is probably an obvious tip, but your child should be within eyesight even when he is strapped on and buckled up. You never know what he can do to escape, or what can cause him to fall!
Wrapping It Up
Your baby needs a high chair once he reaches six months old, though this varies based on their developmental milestones. Continue watching him as he sits up and never leave him unattended when on one! Once you both get the hang of it, mealtimes become more relaxing and comfortable.
I hope that learning when to start using high chair gave you an idea of when to invest in one.
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